a time of just me and God speaking and working in me
He's confirmed it multiple times in His word and through people who don't know why I'm back home
but I believe that this last week has been one of the most God-moments of my life.
There has been time after time where He has spoken to me so clearly, that to think it otherwise would seem silly
The other night, I was really in this "i want to watch christian television" which I am never in because personally I don't think very highly of most of it. But I stopped flipping channels at about 12:15 and Brian Houston was on...
He was speaking about stepping into this next season of your life and that there's no need to be worried or scared because our Hope is in God.
What is hope?
Most Christians can quote the biblical definition of faith but do we really know what hope is?
hope: the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best, to believe, desire, or trust,...
... it means to wait with all trust and believe that what you want and the circumstance you are in will turn out for the best
wait is hard for the modern day person... we are constantly trying to fill our schedules with busyness that we don't know how to simply wait for the answer...
when God directs us in the "waiting" stage, He does it so that He can answer us, not so that we can figure it out and then go do it, He wants to guide us down that path of righteousness for His Name sake.
So, I'm reading "My Utmost For His Highest" and on the 9th, one of the scripture readings was from 1 Thess 5... so I read it and it was amazing
1 Thess 5:23-24
"And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God] and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you]."
What an amazing encouragement!!! and confirmation of being healed this year...
so searched out hope in the back of my amplified bible and there wasn't many references for it but I found the one I was needing because it spoke not only to the reason for the next year but why He's not allowing me to get up and minister...
Psalm 39:7
"And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are from You."
vs 9
"I am dumb, I open not my mouth, for it is You Who has done it."
Someone said to me so clearly one night that this next year is a year of refreshing, a year of consecration unto God, that there is a deep well in me, but I've let the well run dry. I am to guard this time and be very careful who I let in.
She had no idea what's going on when she said this.
God's speaking to me so clearly right now that it may seem strange to you, but what if this is the year that God prepares me for the rest of my life... and if I was to become selfish with my life and not obey the Word of God, I would be catastrophe upon myself... I would have no ministry.
but there are too many people I know God will touch through me and the message that He's placed in me and the ministry and anointing He's given to me is greater than I could dream of.
so to take a year to be filled and consecrated and set apart to Him... will be so worth it...
Loved your post. Enjoy JESUS while you wait!
Be Blessed!
Sista Staci :)